Our Acrylic Gloss Gel Medium is an essential accessory for enhancing your paint by numbers artwork. Designed specifically for acrylic paints, this medium helps achieve a glossy finish, improve blending, and extend the drying time. Here's how you can make the most of it:
How to Use:
- Mix with Acrylic Paint: Blend a small amount of the gloss gel into your paint to increase transparency and add a glossy effect to each stroke.
- Enhance Blending and Layering: Extend the drying time of your paints, allowing you to blend colors smoothly and add detailed layers with ease.
- Flexible Consistency: Adjust the paint's texture to your preference. The gel maintains the thickness of your paint while adding a slight sheen.
- Final Glaze: Apply a thin layer of the gel on top of your completed work for an added glossy coat that highlights details and protects your finished painting.